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April, 2022

The Emerging Global Data Economy – Implications and Options for the Transatlantic Relationship

This report discusses the emerging global data economy and highlights current developments in the “Datasphere.” The report shows that thinking about data has evolved from a research and business domain to a (geo-) political and policy domain.

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March, 2022

Concept Notes on a Stock Exchange for Data and Symbio-Intelligent Jobs

Dr. Olaf J. Groth, Dr. Mark Esposito and Tobias Straube authored a brief for the Office of the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates on two important trends: Data Marketplaces and Symbiosis Intelligence Jobs.

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May, 2021

FLP-IT Forward: A New Framework for Growth in the Post-Pandemic Era

As the pandemic widens the divides, businesses may need to triage their portfolios and adapt to a chaotic new reality.

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White Papers


Germany & Silicon Valley: Shaping a shared digital future

Transatlantic Sync was Silicon Valley‘s first German-American conference on the impact of new AI technologies on business and society. The White Paper was co-authored by Cambrian and German Academic Business Association.

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April 2024

A Privacy-Assured, Conditional Access Data Market Design

Olaf Groth, Tobias Straube, and Dan Zehr discuss the development of an equitable data marketplace. It addresses the balance of privacy and compensation for data creators, emphasizing the need for transparent and fair data trading mechanisms.

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December, 2019

A Privacy-Assured Market Design for the Emerging Trillion Dollar Asset Class of Data

People fuel the digital economy with streams of data but have no power to negotiate compensation for it. Olaf Groth and Tobias Straube with Dan Zehr propose a data market place that would make the digital economy more equitable.

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December, 2019

Future of Work - Cambrian’s approach

To date, researchers have produced widely varying estimates on job disruption, each based on one of four general approaches. Cambrian proposes a model that looks at the Future of Work from an alternative perspective.

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Nation AI Readiness Index (NAIR)

Commissioned by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Cambrian Futures analyzed 13 national AI strategies.​The three-part study provides key insights and benchmarks for national strategies, R&D and commercial deployment of artificial intelligence

AI Strategies Part I

Assessment of the AI Strategies of USA, China, UK, France, Finland and South Korea

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AI Strategies Part II

Assessment of the AI strategies of Israel, Japan, Canada, India, UAE and Singapore

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AI Strategies Part III

Assessment of the German AI Strategy

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